First part of homework 1 posted

It’s in the Assignments tab, as you might suspect it ought to be. I will post the rest of the assignment after class Friday. The problems are pretty much (though not exactly) from the textbook, but I’ve written them out in case some of you don’t yet have the text.


If you’re talking about American cheeses, one of the first places you have to start is Uplands Cheese Company in Wisconsin, with their flagship Pleasant Ridge Reserve:


It’s the only three-time winner of Best in Show at the American Cheese Society’s annual competition, bringing home the title in 2001, 2005, and 2010. The reigning champion is the washed-rind, raw-milk Winnimere, by the venerable Vermont outfit Jasper Hills Creamery:


Both of these cheeses are inspired by the Swiss — PRR by the Alpine style crowd-pleasers like Gruyère, Winnimere by the formidable Forsterkase (the name means “lumberjack’s cheese”). They’re also both made with raw cow’s milk, so they’re only legal in the U.S. because they’re aged for at least 60 days (Winnimere is aged at just about that minimum amount, while Pleasant Ridge Reserve gets 12-18 months in its “Extra Aged” version). 

Cheese isn’t the only important food:

“I like rice. Rice is great when you’re hungry and you want 2,000 of something.”


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